The One-Hour Design Process
to Pump Out Market-Ready Software
100% of the Time

Design 4 Developers

Design 4 Developers is a passion project that distills the Science, Art, Patterns, and Methods of Software Development and Design into its essence!

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The Designatic

Des-ing-a-tic - A person passionate and obsessed about the intersection of engineering, humans and business in the context of software development and delivery; done in a sustainable, profitable and ethical manner.

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The Foundation

The Foundation, 6 foundational modules that will give developers freedom from revisiting completed work. Since all developers are designers, this material is the missing manual for being a better and more thoughtful software developer.

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Please don't make me think!!

Concur, Why do you require the Cognitive Switch?

I used to travel every week and had to fill out an expense report weekly. Now I submit one once a quarter. Recently this system changed and as I was filling out my report, I noticed a mistake. I wanted to delete the expense report and it was a heck of a journey to find it. Read on to learn about something you should never do to your human users. Read More ›

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